Why You Should Have a Visitation Before a Funeral

Joe Jackson Funeral Chapels • September 25, 2022
Below, discuss the key benefits of setting aside time for visitation with family and friends when arranging a funeral. Visitation happens before the service. 
Freer TX funeral home

When a person dies, their loved ones are left with unanswered questions and unfulfilled wishes. During these trying times, you need to find ways to cope with the loss of your loved one. A Freer, TX funeral home service is an excellent way to get things started, and details like a visitation can be helpful in more ways than one. 

Here, we will talk about five benefits of setting aside time for visitation with family and friends when arranging funeral proceedings. 

A visitation gives you a chance to connect with people 

It can be very easy to shut yourself off from the rest of the world when you are going through a difficult time like this. However, one has to try to connect with people as much as possible as you need support now more than ever. 

Talking about your departed loved one and reminiscing about the good times you spent with them helps you cope with their loss. A visitation will give you a chance to do just this. It is always good to be surrounded by family and friends, but especially when mourning. 

Arranging for visitation lets you express yourself freely and receive direct support from your personal network before facing everyone at the funeral. 

A visitation gives more people a chance to pay respects 

A visitation allows you time with family members and friends who would like to pay their respects but cannot attend the actual service. Visitations are often slated for the evening preceding the day or just before the funeral. 

This way, anyone who unavoidably has to miss the service doesn’t have to miss a chance to pay final respects to the deceased and express their condolences. 

A visitation is a time to help children understand loss and death 

Children are naturally curious about death and must be allowed to express their feelings. A visitation can help them understand the finality of death and give them a chance to remember what the deceased meant to their community. 

It offers an opportunity to reinforce to your children that although your loved one has died, they will always be a part of you, and you will never forget them. 

A visitation with a viewing of the body can help bring closure for some people 

Some people find it comforting to see the body of their loved one for one last time before they are buried or cremated. If you or your family can benefit from this, a visitation with a viewing can be helpful to you in that regard. 

A visitation may offer a chance for the family to say some final words about the deceased 

Sometimes, the family may feel that there are things that shouldn’t be left said about the deceased. However, due to time constraints or privacy issues, they cannot include them in the eulogy. A visitation can allow them to express these feelings. 

A visitation is an excellent opportunity for friends and family members to gather together to comfort each other. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that funerals are not just for the living. It is a way to help our departed loved ones pass on with love and dignity. 

You can talk to a professional at our funeral home in Freer, TX, to learn more about your options. Call us today or visit our chapels at any time for pre-planning or at need services

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